from - Moab.
it's labor day weekend and this city is hoppin. long hours and free food have never made a better team. strawberry banana bolthouse has never been so refreshing. the sunset safari has never had better company. (except for maybe rog-a-roni, who came last year...and is now 4, woo hoo)
(Translation: Life is good.)
take a step back. cougars. B-y-u, b-Y-u, b-y-U! Ra ra, ra-ra-ra, Ra ra, ra-ra-ra! gooooOOOOO COUGARS!!! Better luck next time, Sooners. (Translation: No. 20 BYU upsets No. 3 Oklahoma in a brand new stadium, 14-13, the fans watched live, Jacobson is back, and it's gonna be a good season.)
take a step back. Killers. Ingrid Michaelson. Family. Isn't it about time? (Translation: I have been to two concerts. The Wiggles. The Fray. It's been two years. I'm going to two more concerts in two months. Killers with bro and bro-in-law. Ingrid with sis and sis. We shall party like the stars of rock.)
take a step back. Volleyball. ACSM Cert. Springboard Diving. Swimming. Marriage/Family Prep. NASM Cert. Personal Finance. Scuba diving. (Translation: Senior year at BYU is looking good.)
*I truly enjoy reading all your blogs. If I don't have yours posted on the right hand side of mine, tell me your url so I can add it. I promise to add pictures one day and think of something witty or intelligent to share instead of just these random journal-y posts.....ciao