At times the home of the biggest whitewater rapids in North America, Cataract Canyon boasts such horrors as Capsize, Satan's Gut, Big Drops 1, 2 and 3 and more.
Rapids aren't the only highlight of a CAT trip. The night sky, the food, the swimming, the guides and passengers, the interp, the CANYON. These all combine together for the experience of a lifetime.
Add a little fishing and you're pretty much set. Good thing I had Rebecca to hold the broken pole.
We experience new things everyday and hopefully we learn from them. On this trip, I learned it's no simple thing to hold a 7,000 pound boat to shore while fighting the current. I learned not to pull a backwards sweater off whilst in a cot. Although I already knew this, I learned in a practical application that your friends will always have your back when you need it, maybe even just a bit longer. I learned it's better to remember to say things in the moment, it's never quite as good on speakerphone.
Weilers, you rock the boat. That's a good thing. And this one's for you.